"I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever....I will not leave you as orphans."--John 14:16, 18
I am sure it was providential. In my own morning devotionals this week, I kept bumping into the story of the spies who went to survey the Promised Land that God had clearly promised to them (Numbers 13; 14). Their report highlighted the size of the giants; not the power of God. Only Joshua and Caleb, who had a "different spirit" (Numbers 14:24), kept trying to bring the congregation to choose faith over fear. But the people chose to focus on the giants instead. I say this was providential because one of my relatives received a not-so-good report from their doctor. And we have a choice: to focus on the giants or on the power of God to guide us through this.
When we face giants in our lives, it is imperative to remember who we are in Christ: we are children of the living God, bought with the blood of Jesus, heirs of an eternal inheritance with Him. We are not orphans; we are not on our own, facing insurmountable obstacles. We are His, and Jesus promised: "I will not leave you as orphans" (John 14:18). The One who has purchased our eternal salvation, has also made Himself responsible for us. He has provided unlimited resources for His beloved children on earth. Wouldn't you do the same if your children needed help? Jesus promised that the Father would send "the Spirit of truth" (verse 17). This member of the Trinity comes to guide us to all truth, and the core Truth is Jesus, whom he comes to glorify and explain (see John 16:13, 14). He is called, Helper (John 14:16). The Greek word here is parakletos, which in English may be translated as Comforter, Encourager, Advocate, or One who comes alongside to help. Jesus Himself is called parakletos as well (1 John 2:1). God has sent divine Helpers: Jesus as the Savior and the Spirit as the Comforter. We are not alone. The giants of sin and death have already been conquered by Jesus on the cross. And He has made every provision to empower and comfort His children on earth, no matter what they are facing. Our God is much greater than the giants we face, therefore let's not focus on the size of the giants but on the power of our God.
My Response:__________________________________________________________