Our Mission

The Joy of Troy Community Seventh-day Adventist Church was established to bring the joy of the "everlasting gospel" (Rev. 14:6-12) to the community of Troy and surrounding areas, in preparation for the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This we hope to achieve through:
OUR WITNESS - Share and communicate the power of the Gospel through our lifestyle and the joy we have found in following our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
OUR FELLOWSHIP - A transforming fellowship in which we all can grow to maturity in Christ and share our gifts and abilities with the community.
OUR SERVICE - Compassionately serving the community and being sympathetic to the needs of the community
OUR WORSHIP - Through music, prayer, and the preaching and teaching of the Word lead men and women, boys and girls to a greater appreciation of the majestic, loving and Holy God we serve.
OUR WITNESS - Share and communicate the power of the Gospel through our lifestyle and the joy we have found in following our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
OUR FELLOWSHIP - A transforming fellowship in which we all can grow to maturity in Christ and share our gifts and abilities with the community.
OUR SERVICE - Compassionately serving the community and being sympathetic to the needs of the community
OUR WORSHIP - Through music, prayer, and the preaching and teaching of the Word lead men and women, boys and girls to a greater appreciation of the majestic, loving and Holy God we serve.